70 research outputs found

    Low Dimensional Dynamics of the Kuramoto Model with Rational Frequency Distributions

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    The Kuramoto model is a paradigmatic tool for studying the dynamics of collective behavior in large ensembles of coupled dynamical systems. Over the past decade a great deal of progress has been made in analytical descriptions of the macroscopic dynamics of the Kuramoto mode, facilitated by the discovery of Ott and Antonsen's dimensionality reduction method. However, the vast majority of these works relies on a critical assumption where the oscillators' natural frequencies are drawn from a Cauchy, or Lorentzian, distribution, which allows for a convenient closure of the evolution equations from the dimensionality reduction. In this paper we investigate the low dimensional dynamics that emerge from a broader family of natural frequency distributions, in particular a family of rational distribution functions. We show that, as the polynomials that characterize the frequency distribution increase in order, the low dimensional evolution equations become more complicated, but nonetheless the system dynamics remain simple, displaying a transition from incoherence to partial synchronization at a critical coupling strength. Using the low dimensional equations we analytically calculate the critical coupling strength corresponding to the onset of synchronization and investigate the scaling properties of the order parameter near the onset of synchronization. These results agree with calculations from Kuramoto's original self-consistency framework, but we emphasize that the low dimensional equations approach used here allows for a true stability analysis categorizing the bifurcations

    Control of coupled oscillator networks with application to microgrid technologies

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    The control of complex systems and network-coupled dynamical systems is a topic of vital theoretical importance in mathematics and physics with a wide range of applications in engineering and various other sciences. Motivated by recent research into smart grid technologies we study here control of synchronization and consider the important case of networks of coupled phase oscillators with nonlinear interactions--a paradigmatic example that has guided our understanding of self-organization for decades. We develop a method for control based on identifying and stabilizing problematic oscillators, resulting in a stable spectrum of eigenvalues, and in turn a linearly stable synchronized state. Interestingly, the amount of control, i.e., number of oscillators, required to stabilize the network is primarily dictated by the coupling strength, dynamical heterogeneity, and mean degree of the network, and depends little on the structural heterogeneity of the network itself

    Spectral properties of the hierarchical product of graphs

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    The hierarchical product of two graphs represents a natural way to build a larger graph out of two smaller graphs with less regular and therefore more heterogeneous structure than the Cartesian product. Here we study the eigenvalue spectrum of the adjacency matrix of the hierarchical product of two graphs. Introducing a coupling parameter describing the relative contribution of each of the two smaller graphs, we perform an asymptotic analysis for the full spectrum of eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the hierarchical product. Specifically, we derive the exact limit points for each eigenvalue in the limits of small and large coupling, as well as the leading-order relaxation to these values in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the two smaller graphs. Given its central roll in the structural and dynamical properties of networks, we study in detail the Perron-Frobenius, or largest, eigenvalue. Finally, as an example application we use our theory to predict the epidemic threshold of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible model on a hierarchical product of two graphs

    Pattern formation and oscillations in nonlinear random walks on networks

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    Random walks represent an important tool for probing the structural and dynamical properties of networks and modeling transport and diffusion processes on networks. However, when individuals' movement becomes dictated by more complicated factors, e.g., scenarios that involve complex decision making, the linear paradigm of classical random walks lack the ability to capture dynamically rich behaviors. One modification that addresses this issue is to allow transition probabilities to depend on the current system state, resulting in a nonlinear random walk. While the resulting nonlinearity has been shown to give rise to an array of more complex dynamics, the patterns that emerge, in particular on regular network topologies, remain unexplored and poorly understood. Here we study nonlinear random walks on regular networks. We present a number of stability results for the uniform state where random walkers are uniformly distributed throughout the network, characterizing the spectral properties of its Jacobian which we use to characterize its bifurcations. These spectral properties may also be used to understand the patterns that emerge beyond bifurcations, which consist of oscillating short wave-length patterns and localized structures for negative and positive bias, respectively. We also uncover a subcriticality in the bifurcation for positive bias, leading to a hysteresis loop and multistability

    Coexisting chaotic and multi-periodic dynamics in a model of cardiac alternans

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    The spatiotemporal dynamics of cardiac tissue is an active area of research for biologists, physicists, and mathematicians. Of particular interest is the study of period-doubling bifurcations and chaos due to their link with cardiac arrhythmogenesis. In this paper we study the spatiotemporal dynamics of a recently developed model for calcium-driven alternans in a one dimensional cable of tissue. In particular, we observe in the cable coexistence of regions with chaotic and multi-periodic dynamics over wide ranges of parameters. We study these dynamics using global and local Lyapunov exponents and spatial trajectory correlations. Interestingly, near nodes -- or phase reversals -- low-periodic dynamics prevail, while away from the nodes the dynamics tend to be higher-periodic and eventually chaotic. Finally, we show that similar coexisting multi-periodic and chaotic dynamics can also be observed in a detailed ionic model

    Symmetry and symmetry breaking in coupled oscillator communities [post-print]

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    With the recent development of analytical methods for studying the collective dynamics of coupled oscillator systems, the dynamics of communities of coupled oscillators have received a great deal of attention in the nonlinear dynamics community. However, the majority of these works treat systems with a number of symmetries to simplify the analysis. In this work we study the role of symmetry and symmetry-breaking in the collective dynamics of coupled oscillator communities, allowing for a comparison between the macroscopic dynamics of symmetric and asymmetric systems. We begin by treating the symmetric case, deriving the bifurcation diagram as a function of intra- and intercommunity coupling strengths. In particular we describe transitions between incoherence, standing wave, and partially synchronized states and reveal bistability regions. When we turn our attention to the asymmetric case we find that the symmetry-breaking complicates the bifurcation diagram. For instance, a pitchfork bifurcation in the symmetric case is broken, giving rise to a Hopf bifurcation. Moreover, an additional partially synchronized state emerges, as well as a new bistability region
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